Water and Sewer Utility Services
The Town has completed its 3-year obligation under the Maryland Department of the Environment to increase its rates to address the water funds current operating deficit and added debt service that was incurred for a $1.17 million loan to replace the town's aging water transmission main.
*Total bill does not include State BRF Fee
Connection Fees: In-Town Out-of-Town
Water Connection Fee 2,500.00 7,000.00
Water Benefit Charge 2,600.00 2,600.00
Sewer Connection Fee 3,000.00* 5,000.00*
( * - plus the then-current county hookup or connection fee)
A 10% late charge is added to the bill if payment is received after the last day of the billing month. (Billing months – July, October, January and April.)
PAYMENT OPTIONS: (1) Town Hall Lobby (21 West Water Street) - Cash/Check/Money Order can be received by Town employees; (2) Town Hall Drop Box (21 West Water Street) - Check/Money Order may be placed in the drop box in front of Town Hall (it is not suggested to place cash in the drop box); (3) Online - Credit Cards (only accepted on the home page under Pay Utility Bill here (at this time); (4) United States Postal Service mailed to Town of Smithsburg, 21 West Water Street, Smithsburg, MD 21783 (The town is not responsible for the non-receipt of invoices or payments due to post office related matters).
Connection Fees: In-Town Out-of-Town
Water Connection Fee 2,500.00 7,000.00
Water Benefit Charge 2,600.00 2,600.00
Sewer Connection Fee 3,000.00* 5,000.00*
( * - plus the then-current county hookup or connection fee)
A 10% late charge is added to the bill if payment is received after the last day of the billing month. (Billing months – July, October, January and April.)
PAYMENT OPTIONS: (1) Town Hall Lobby (21 West Water Street) - Cash/Check/Money Order can be received by Town employees; (2) Town Hall Drop Box (21 West Water Street) - Check/Money Order may be placed in the drop box in front of Town Hall (it is not suggested to place cash in the drop box); (3) Online - Credit Cards (only accepted on the home page under Pay Utility Bill here (at this time); (4) United States Postal Service mailed to Town of Smithsburg, 21 West Water Street, Smithsburg, MD 21783 (The town is not responsible for the non-receipt of invoices or payments due to post office related matters).
Payments are NOT accepted at local banks.